Jumat, 21 Agustus 2009

New Life..New Beginning...

This August...08 August 2009 for exact...is the historical day for me n my hubby...
Finally..we've getting married..after 11 years we've spend together....
I hope..we can through all the experience together....forever...

May God Bless me n my nu family...

The Love that God gave me..is always filling my heart..forever..and ever...

I hope we can be together..for the rest of our life....

Thx for all the support n congratulations.....

Selasa, 04 Agustus 2009

Off sejenak.....

Dear Blogger readers...

for the mean while..i off sejenak dl ya...

cuti dari baking..cuti dari kantor...mo having fun...hehehee

Waiting for my BIG DAY....deg-deg an..excited sih tepatnya..duuuhh...semoga everything run well ya...i really hope so.....

Senengnya mo masuk hidup baru..mulai hidup baru...semoga gue bisa menjadi istri yang baik..selama2nya....

May God Bless my new Family.....