Rabu, 29 Oktober 2008

Kursus Fondant 25 OCt 2008

Waktu tgl 25 OCt..gw ikutan kursus fondant....
Dateng pagi2..jam 8 ud sampe sana..hahaha..karena gw yang bawa snack nya..hehehhe
Trus...seru banget deh kursusnya..ketemu orang2 yang ud hebat dalm per "kueh"an..heheh
Ketemu Putri..( young mommy )..tapi ud jago banget dalm urusan cupkeiks....coba liat aja di http://www.cupkeiks.blogspot.com/.... pasti seneng banget ngeliatnya dee...

Ketemu sama teh uceu..mbak ina...mbak wiek..mbak efi..maestro2 ku itu...weehh..ud jago bener deh..
Teh uceu..TCCC nya itu ud dipake sama semua orang..mantap mennn..

Mba Ina...bukunya baru terbit...judulnya Sukses Berbisnis Kue..bareng Mbak Ita...ud beli blom bukunya..aku dong udah..di ttd lagi sama mereka..hehehhee...
Mbak Efi..master tuh dalam Bolu Ketan Hitamnya...sama Lapis Legit nya lagi.....

Ini bbrp dari contoh hasil kursusnya...

yang ini punya gw..

ehehhehehe..gue suka banget tuh menghias pake fondant..enak..ngga kotor..ud gitu warnanya bagus2 lagi..hehehhe...

Senin, 13 Oktober 2008

THe Journey

THe Journey

I'm in BBB ( Baking Blue Banget..) ..

Feel tired to do all the orders before the holiday moment comes..hehehhe

So..i decide to rest for all the holiday times....free from making cakes..and everything..just have fun..and relax.....

and now..the hectic from all my work begins...since 6 oct ( first day back to work again...)

last sunday...i make JCC for ango...( completed my debt to her )...hehehehe...
finally i've made it right?

I'll make it better next time dear...

and i've received tools from my auntie in USA last sunday..

Ooouuuuu...can't wait to get on the tools...hihihi...but..i dun know..still not in the mood right now...

maybe i'm still sad..because my friend left me forever..She's gone forever..and it makes me really shocked....
I cant believe she's gone...really can't believe it....

But i'm sure..its the best will from God for her...Rest in Peace my dearest friend....

And finally..i'm realize..that we have to do the best we can...as long as we live...cause we never know when and where life ended...

And i will try my bestt to do that...as long as I have faith in God.....

Everything will be alright then.....

THe journey..will come to an end..one day....

SO let's do the best...